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The Business of Trails

Discovering Ontario's Trail Business - Presented by The Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands

National and regional trails tourism developers bring their expertise to Seeley’s Bay, sharing best practices and success stories to help you maximize your return on trail tourism products and services.

This includes a thorough review of asset integration, trail inventory, trail providers, resort products, Signature Trail Product Reviews and provincial or national branding to certify your trail product and services as “Certifiably Canadian Trails.”

All these product and services recognitions drive customers and consumers to your natural assets, improving community visibility, supporting local business, promoting entrepreneurship and maintaining your trails as long-term business providers to your community.

Important Topics

Discover best practices, innovations and ideas from across the country.

Inspiring Speakers

Gain insights from a range of influential leaders and experts.

Networking & More

Exchange ideas with fellow attendees and those shaping the future of trails in Ontario.

Conference agenda

The Business of Trails.

It’s all about connectivity. Linking our community through its trails systems is essential to building unique business in Leeds and the Thousand Islands.

It is an economic driver that:

  • creates a variety of jobs
  • diversifies our culture base
  • plays a contributing role in land-use development, and
  • maintains local heritage.

Sound familiar? That’s because it is the mandate of the Economic Development Committee and embedded in everything we do.

The Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands wants to support our unique trails experiences by including them as the theme for the annual Economic Development Summit. A FREE event open to anyone who is or would like to be in “The Business of Trails”.

Location: Seeley’s Bay Community Hall, 151 Main Street, Seeley’s Bay, ON

“Discover Direction” has come to life as the culmination of specific activities created by the Economic Development Committee over the four-year term. Focusing on the natural beauty of our region and the unique multiple sector trail use we offer, the Committee will host users and business owners to better appreciate the needs and opportunities that are among us.

Save the date and join us as an exhibitor or participant on November 1, 2018 to take part in Discover Direction: The Business of Trails and learn more about sectoral needs, marketing, networking, and building our businesses together in Leeds and the Thousand Islands.

For more information, please refer to our Workshops and Events page.

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Get email updates about the agenda, speakers, and other information for this free trails economic forum.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Trailhead Ontario has great sponsorship opportunities available for companies looking to extend their brand within and beyond the trails community.

Your tax-deductible conference sponsorship is a great way to reach trail directors and decision-makers, showcase your organization, and support healthy communities.

Opportunities for sponsors include:

Conference program/website


Welcome bag

Contact us for more!

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